Wednesday, January 14, 2015

#creatingchallenge day 14 / brand = walk the talk

Entrepreneur magazine posted a great article this week on branding called "A Month-by-Month Strategy to Reinvent Your Personal Brand" by Lida caught my eye since I have dedicated the first quarter of 2015 to clarifying and unifying my brand. Citroen's approach is to focus the branding process in three month increments throughout the year. I think there is something to this as I've heard more than once about the importance of setting attainable, short term time goals (60-90 days). See my post on "be the 8%."

Here are a couple elements that stuck out for me for January - March:
1. "Your desired brand is the cornerstone for all reputation strategies."
2. "The only way to build credibility is to articulate your values and then walk the talk."
So really, at the end of the day, it's about expressing your values and using that as the basis for everything you do. Our brand is more than what colors are on our's about how we walk out our values and stay true to what we say is important.

What a great challenge. My hope is to be able to do this with my own brand more fully this year.

What does walking the talk mean for your brand this year?

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