Sunday, January 6, 2013

Creating Challenge Day 5 - Don't Become a Boiled Frog

Today's movement towards creating companies of people was to read pages 30-31 of Gutsche's book Exploiting Chaos. The first page made the bold statement:
Our generation is fundamentally reinventing the way human beings interact.
The second page had this illustration:
If you place a frog into a pot of boiling water, he'll immediately hop out. And he'll be pissed off. If you place a frog into a pot of lukewarm water and slowly dial up the heat, he will keep swimming until he's boiled alive.
Like us, the frog is more sensitive to shocking change. If change is moderate, urgency becomes less apparent. Before we know it--hey, what's that smell?--we're cooked.                 Exploiting Chaos by Jeremy Gutsche 
What happens when you put both concepts together? I wonder what "moderate" changes are happening in the US culture right now that will have a huge impact in the near future?

I am encouraged to keep taking the consistent steps, however small, in the direction of my goals and desired future. It matters.


  1. Great posts Wendy. Did i miss a saturday post?

  2. Thanks, Dayle. This post is a late post for Saturday...I was going to bed (after midnight) and realized I had forgotten to post! So up I got and posted this by 2am Sunday morn. Better late than never. :)
