Thursday, February 7, 2013

Creating Challenge Day 38 - Provoker

I was making my way through my Dream Year Weekend workbook this evening when I got stumped. I honestly couldn't remember a time in my childhood that would have given any indication of the dreams I am pursuing today.

The only thing that came to me was Buttons, our pet rabbit. But as I remembered my connection with Buttons, I remembered the neighbor boy who used to bully me...but wait, he only bullied me when I provoked him.

Huh. I did provoke him on purpose. It's funny how we only remember parts of stories sometimes. And around that time my provoking self got put on notice and went into hiding.

I'm grateful that my provoking self has made a comeback, after much refinement, to be a more productive part of my persona. A great ally when wanting to launch a new idea or companies of people. 


  1. What a great story! I wonder what you find fulfilling about being a provoker? And how it serves others...Can't wait to hear more!

  2. Fulfillment as a provoker? I'll have to reflect on that one. :)
