Thursday, January 15, 2015

#creatingchallenge day 15 / baby steps OR taking a vacation from your problems

One of my favorite movies is "What About Bob?" and one of my favorite lines was Bob's when declared "I'm taking a vacation from my problems!" But I digress. This post on entitled "Forget Big Goals. Take Baby Steps for Small, Daily Wins." is about taking baby steps (another allusion to the movie) to accomplish your goals.

I've heard this concept countless times...but what does it really mean? 

Today I tried it out in a new way. I had some tasks on my list for today that I wasn't sure if I could complete. Instead of getting stressed, I decided to take a baby step towards completing one of the tasks by writing out my thoughts and unanswered questions about the project. This action alone moved me forward and actually helped provide some clarity that I can use tomorrow when I take the next step. 

What do baby steps mean to you? Are you an all or nothing type worker? How might a baby step keep you moving forward on a project or task that seems overwhelming or too complicated? you just need to take a vacation from your problems today? 

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