Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Creating Challenge Day 30 - Trust
"If you were to sum up your work in the world with one word, what would it be?"
When I heard this question last Sunday during the final day of Dream Year Weekend, the first word that came to mind was "trust." I dismissed it. Why? How could that word sum up my worldwork? My own journey of self-trust couldn't possibly reflect my main contribution to the world, could it?
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Creating Challenge Day 29 - First Idea
One of the benefits of brainstorming is to expand the impact of an upcoming opportunity. Today's brainstorm took the form of walking through different scenarios and seeing which one provided the impact we wanted for an upcoming event. Scenario number two was the winner. Many times the first idea opens the door to better ones if you take the time to explore.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Creating Challenge Day 28 - Work Like Art
I'm reading an excellent book called "Artful Making: What Managers Need to Know About How Artists Work."
Here is a quote:
"As business becomes more dependant on knowledge to create value, work becomes more like art. In the future, managers who understand how artists work will have an advantage over those who don't."
I'm looking forward to reading more about this intersection between management and performance art. Sounds like a whole brain experience.
Creating Challenge Day 27 - Dream Year Weekend!
Had an excellent last day of Dream Year Weekend in Virginia Beach, VA!!! I got everything I came for to help me more effectively move my own dreams from ideas to execution and coach others to do the same.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Creating Challenge Day 25 - Planes Trains and Automobiles
Part 1: Today's been a planes, trains, and automobiles kind of day. On my way to Virginia Beach from Baltimore...13hrs and counting. Car, taxi, train, bus #1, just boarded bus #2. I expect another taxi and one more automobile (if all goes well with the weather) and the day will be complete. I may catch the last 30 minutes of Day One of the Dream Year Weekend!!! Calgon take me away!
Part 2: I arrived at my destination at 9:15pm. Taxi ride was paid for by my hotel and the day of travel is complete. 15.5 hours from beginning to final destination.
Original travel time expected: 7 hours (Amtrak was down plus inclement weather)
During the day I had the great opportunity to have five ICF Chicago calls in support of our community and board. Thanking God that I just got a hands free headset for my phone.
I'm "toast!"
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Creating Challenge Day 23 - MRAC & SCIS in One Day!
Today's SCIS meetup with Sarah and Fred was our first of the year. Next Steps: We are moving forward in cross training for the sake of greater effectiveness.
The MRAC idea call was full of potential...looking forward to large group call on Friday for next steps.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
Creating Challenge Day 19 - Time to Converge!
This illustration was created during the Core Competency Coach Training program final session held on January 19th.
During the final part of a coaching session we brainstorm multiple next steps, choose next step(s) for now, identify specific, measurable, attainable, resonant, and time specific details, and support the client as they take action. All in a day's work!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Monday, January 14, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Friday, January 11, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Creating Challenge Day 10 - Half Smile or No Smile?
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Monday, January 7, 2013
Creating Challenge Day 7 - Intentional Community
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Creating Challenge Day 5 - Don't Become a Boiled Frog
Our generation is fundamentally reinventing the way human beings interact.The second page had this illustration:
If you place a frog into a pot of boiling water, he'll immediately hop out. And he'll be pissed off. If you place a frog into a pot of lukewarm water and slowly dial up the heat, he will keep swimming until he's boiled alive.What happens when you put both concepts together? I wonder what "moderate" changes are happening in the US culture right now that will have a huge impact in the near future?
Like us, the frog is more sensitive to shocking change. If change is moderate, urgency becomes less apparent. Before we know it--hey, what's that smell?--we're cooked. Exploiting Chaos by Jeremy Gutsche
I am encouraged to keep taking the consistent steps, however small, in the direction of my goals and desired future. It matters.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Creating Challenge Day 4 - Effortless Alignment
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Creating Challenge Day 2 - The Longest Lunch of the Year
Lunch with James & Iris Lemmer and Donna Lemmer turned from 1 hour to 7 hrs! This sketch represents our conversation about the Lemmer's 3231 Creatives social enterprise in Everett, WA.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Creating Challenge Day 1 - WENDY, BREAK RULES!
Inside Cover of "Exploiting Chaos" |
I had been struggling about what to name this blog site and what domain address to use for my 365 day creating challenge. Jeremy's book was the perfect remedy. As I read the first few pages, I was reminded (again) that I didn't have to figure out and align all of my online strategy for the year before I started this blog. Simple enough. I named this blog what it was: creating challenge...a 365 day experiment.
I opened the book back up and noticed the inside cover I had gotten autographed after the session. Oh yeah...what an invitation!!! It read: "WENDY, BREAK RULES!" (Yes to that! To me this means thinking outside the box and breaking out of patterns of unconscious living.) and "Chaos is the uncertainty sparked by uncharted territory, economic recession, and bubbles of opportunity." I'm going in! Want to come?
[If you are interested in reading Jeremy Gutsche's book Exploiting Chaos, click HERE to read it online or download it for free from his website.]
Creating Challenge 2013 | 365 Days of Creating
2013 Brilliant Chaos Creating Challenge
The new year approaches, and at this time of year, many people create goals. Perhaps you’ve heard of SMART goals? Well, on Planet Chaos (the home of Brilliant Chaos), SMART goals are sooooo early-2000s. No, on Planet Chaos, we ask ourselves “What CHAOS do we want to create in the coming year?” This is our way of inviting you to develop your own Creating Challenge for 2013.
What exactly do we mean by CHAOS? Well, let us tell you:
C-Creation:What exactly do you want to love into existence?
H-How:How will you know you’ve accomplished it? What kind of parameters do you need to complete your creation?
A-Achievable:Can you realistically complete this creation in the time alloted? What resources do you need to do so?
O-OMG (Oh.My.Geefwidiousness!*):On a scale from 1 to 10, how geefwidious* is this creation for you?
S-Schedule:How long do you want to take to achieve this creation? How often do you want to work toward it?
*Geefwidious®: A word of Brilliant Chaos’ Chaotish Language®, meaning full of wonder and discovery with a sense of satisfaction.
Here, at Brilliant Chaos, we will be creating our own CHAOS around the world. And you know what? We’ll be doing it brilliantly.
What constitutes CHAOS? Here are some broad categories:
Project: What does not exist now that you want to have exist by the end of 2013? (Example: book, business, website, painting, building, etc.)
Time: How often do you want to create? For what duration? (Example: one project a day for the first week of the month.)
Learning: What new skills are acquired and/or needed? (Example: mastering watercolor painting or developing your website-building skills.) A mixture of all of the above.
So, in the coming weeks, consider what kind of CHAOS you’d like to bring to the planet. If you would like, post your commitment to CHAOS on this Facebook page along with any requests for support you’d like. We will host regular check-ins. As well, each of you may create a separate document (see “Files” tab and then click “+Create Doc”) that can list your individual commitments and requests for ready reference.
Wendy’s CHAOS:
C-Creation: 365 Days of Creating: Designing and creating companies of people.
H-How: Daily activities to include one or more of the following: movement towards create companies of people - could be short-term, long-term, project based, relationship based, with/for creatives, healers and leaders; creating structures; prophetic art; watch videos; read books; experiment; prototype; research; relationship building; daily activities to include something visible to the naked eye, in plain sight; post it on personal blog daily; post link from personal blog to Brilliant Chaos FB page daily; be fully present when creating.
A-Achievable: Part of the daily process will be to determine the specific project goals that I’ll pursue throughout 2013.
O-OMG (Oh.My.Geefwidiousness!*): On a scale from 1 to 10, how geefwidious* is this creation for you? 10!!! I feel VERY challenged and excited by this creating challenge. Way out of my comfort zone!
S-Schedule: Every day in 2013, small steps, may take 5 minutes up to an hour or two.