Friday, February 15, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Creating Challenge Day 45 - Convergence

The streams of my world are converging together now more than ever. I am grateful...and intrigued. This looks different and feels bigger than I had imagined...and much more fun! More details to come.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Creating Challenge Day 44 - Synchronicity By Email

Today I had two synchronicities happen by email!

This morning, out of the blue, I thought of the UK band, Iona, and decided to listen to some of their music. I had not thought of them or listened to their music in many months.

I then received an email from an Ioana with information I had been hoping for regarding a potential project I'm considering. The correlation in the names heightened my interest in the project.

The second synchronicity had to do with thinking this week about the book, Topgrading,  and wanting to reconnect with some information in it.

Today I received an email from the author of the book with an opportunity to attend a workshop. The email caught my attention and helped me pull the book out and get the info I had been wanting to reread.

I am noticing more synchronicity happening these days in more ways than these. I'm trying to pay attention as I feel like these are clues to follow as I pursue my goals for 2013.

How about you? What synchronicity is showing up in your life these days?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Creating Challenge Day 40 - Collaboration

Today's Thought: Sometimes collaborating takes just as much effort, or more, than doing something on one's own. One has to walk that out to discover which way is better in some situations.

On a similar vein, I've been continuing to read Artful Making by Austin & Devin (2003). I love this book! The four core elements of artful making are release, emergence, collaboration, and play. There is a way to skilfully integrate these elements into optimal business settings to bring greater impact and results. I'm looking forward to reading more.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Creating Challenge Day 39 - Time to Learn

I am SO appreciative of my learning community. One of several "types" of people in my life is life-long learners.

A glimpse into today:

Today was a great day reconnecting with Iris and James Lemmer from 3231 Creatives. They have put their theories and dreams into action to create a social enterprise in Everett, WA.

I also got to enjoy session #2 of a course on Dialogue Education (DE) taught by Fred Defoy. I'm learning that all the great facilitation and training I've been a recipient of has had the hallmarks of DE. I'm glad to be able to learn that method more deeply and effectively so I can better utilize it in my training and facilitating.

I am also grateful for a warm home and a car that works in this cold, Chicagoland weather.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Creating Challenge Day 38 - Provoker

I was making my way through my Dream Year Weekend workbook this evening when I got stumped. I honestly couldn't remember a time in my childhood that would have given any indication of the dreams I am pursuing today.

The only thing that came to me was Buttons, our pet rabbit. But as I remembered my connection with Buttons, I remembered the neighbor boy who used to bully me...but wait, he only bullied me when I provoked him.

Huh. I did provoke him on purpose. It's funny how we only remember parts of stories sometimes. And around that time my provoking self got put on notice and went into hiding.

I'm grateful that my provoking self has made a comeback, after much refinement, to be a more productive part of my persona. A great ally when wanting to launch a new idea or companies of people. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Creating Challenge Day 32 - Sharing our Great Thing

Dialogue Education is an awesome facilitation method for experiential learning. This image contrasts collaborative instruction vs. traditional instruction. Can you guys which is which?